
Constructed 3 stables and tack room in one of old cattle barns.

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The Menage

40 x 20m  manége constructed behind barns. Involved levelling surface, building surrounding post and rail fence (requiring boring 60 holes into rather rocky ground), spreading 136 tons of drainage stone and  200 cubic metres of bark

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Clad Top Shed

Cattle-pens at top of the yard had been  rebuilt in breeze block and were an eyesore, so wood cladding was attached and at the same time the door openings were enlarged in case they might be needed as stable

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Enclose Oil Tank

Oil storage tank for the house heating is in the yard and was a bit of an eyesore, so decided to build a shed around it. As usual, it got more involved than I anticipated.

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Repair Yard

One of those - “when you get the idea, go and lie down in a dark room until the idea has passed” type of projects. Decided to dig up and re concrete one of the crumbliest parts of the yard. Parts of the section were crumbly, other much less so!

Update- tarmacced 2017 (link)

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Tarmac Yard

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Stone Wall Repairs

Not really a  project of my own labours, but one I managed and partly funded

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The Track

An ongoing and never-ending project, perhaps the one downside of the Curney

menage claddingstables stables

Farm Projects - Page 1

As well as refurbishing the house, we’ve also undertaken a few “projects” around the farm…

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